O corpo infantil

Aproximações e distanciamentos das especificidades da infância


  • Bárbara Duarte de Moura Costa
  • Marta Bezerra Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFCAT
  • Aline Mariano





The questions pertaining to the childhood body in its relationship with the world have been the target of an increasing number of studies based on the human and social sciences in the attempt to understand elements that escape the biologicism posed by the theories that govern positivist researches about the body.  In this direction, the problem of the present research ends in the question: How does the child understand his body? Thus, the general objective of the work was to understand how the child understands his body, to know the existing relationships between such understandings and the specificities of childhood and with elements brought by the adult world. To this end, a bibliographic survey was carried out regarding childhood, the body and the interface between them before the educational processes. The orientation of the research was sought from the dialectical matrix, being used as data collection techniques the talk wheel and the drawings to give voice to the participating children. As results, the study shows how relevant the conceptual construction of body based on the purely biological understanding and organized from the instrumental logic in most dialogues. However, when they speak the function of the body, the children researched construct their dialogues denoting the interface between body and playfulness, among other constituent elements of childhood.

Keywords: body; children; childhood.



How to Cite

de Moura Costa, B. D., Bezerra, M., & Mariano, A. (2020). O corpo infantil: Aproximações e distanciamentos das especificidades da infância. Interacções, 16(53), 47–71. https://doi.org/10.25755/int.19964



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences