The CRM: A successful framework for a strategic tool in hotel management
CRM, Hotel industry, Cloud computing, Strategic capabilities, Successful structureAbstract
The availability of Customer Management Systems in the hospitality industry has been traditionally been viewed as a huge investment and effort, that the larger chains are only able to meet; although, new technological advances are allowing for the restructuring of the operations through the use of a new software model, in which the data are stored in the cloud and outsourcing or subcontracting of services can be offered as an alternative. The present research to establish the technological framework, study analyzes and collects the latest marketing trends, views of experts in companies and organizations of tourism in Spain and the latest technological advances that exist in the market to jointly translate the structuring of a successful CRM tool, allowing professionals from the sector to integrate all the knowledge gained from its customers, beginning to offer "value" both individual and collective. The results of the study, gets the CRM can be a tool that is beneficial to the management of the hotel sector, but its success lies in its structure.
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