Perception of the sources of value of the TAP Portugal brand from the perspective of its customers
Brand equity, TAP Portugal, Loyalty, Perceived quality, Reputation, AssociationsAbstract
In a global economy subject to changes in market dynamics and increasing competition, the role of brands has never been so important. In recent years, we witnessed the apparent triumph of the brand concept: all are encouraged to self-identify. Its economic and social importance in the national and international scene is absolutely undeniable.
Brands are the guiding map to buying behavior and, when managed correctly, result in significant value for their holders. There are currently two approaches that direct studies in this area, determining the financial value of the brand and perceived value of a brand by consumers and on this second approach is that we will address in this article. The airlines face nowadays challenges, moreover they have been constant since the 80's, this has led to many companies to join concentrations integrating into global alliances, thereby strengthening its position, thus also face competition of low-cost airlines. Our study lies on the airline TAP Portugal, which is currently the Portuguese flag carrier and largest airline in Portugal thus occupying a privileged position in commercial aviation landscape. Despite fierce competition from low-cost airlines, charter flights and competition from large international companies already positioned, which is very conservative, the company continues to dominate, but how? What are the factors valued by consumers that makes this company to be chosen and assign them greater value? This is a question we want to answer with this study.
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