Ecossistema de Enoturismo: proposta de modelo de coopetição entre as partes interessadas
Enotourism, Ecosystem, Stakeholder Analysis, CoopetitionAbstract
Wine as a cultural product became the main theme of tourism development in most wine regions in the World and in Portugal. Enotourism is a growing ecosystem, composed by Territory, Tourism and Wine Culture subsystems, involving more than visiting wineries and buy wine, emerging related to landscape, heritage, identity and places memory, following sustainable principles. It is crucial value generation, based on regions’ endogenous resources, anchored on coopetitive strategies. It is also vital to identify main stakeholders within Enotourism ecosystem and analyze theirs coopetitive relationship. In this context, this study proposes an aggregator ecosystem model - Enotourism Coopetition Model. This archetype recognizes the ecosystem players’ diversity, reinforced by sectorial policies, in order to promote authenticity, competitiveness and sustainability. To explore this framework, a qualitative methodology was adopted - Schmeer’s Stakeholder Analysis. The proposed model application will support managers and decision-makers to identify the main actors and interact more effectively, seeking a sustainable territorial value creation; fostering local endogenous resources; strengthening regional landscape identity and increase businesses competitiveness sustainability. It is argued that players must build a common vision and mission, incorporating the needs of those who have Enotourism interests, which could encourage a responsible attitude/behavior focused on: the sense of cultural heritage identity pride; recognition the sector niche as an important vehicle for regional development and local communities’ sharing; commitment to explore the rural landscape´s multifunctionalities; and assigning Enotourism innovative experiences projects, as a priority.
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