José Saramago: (Re)visitar a obra e a fundação no ano do seu centenário


  • João Pedro Duarte
  • Ruben Oliveira
  • Pedro Ribeiro Mucharreira



Cultural tourism, Literary tourism, José Saramago, Saramago Foundation, Management


The present work addresses the challenges of the José Saramago Foundation, as a space that honors the only Nobel Prize for Literature in Portuguese Language. This research allowed us to perceive that the Saramago Foundation is a space that seeks to praise the work and, primarily, the ideas of an author that left his vast legacy to the whole world. As such, it seems to be a privilege for the world to know that the center of this wealth is in Portugal and in Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands, being able to promote literary tourism, framed in cultural tourism. In this way, it was also important to understand the daily management of this space through someone who knows it so well, in this case, the director of the foundation. With this work, it was hoped to contribute to the importance of keeping an eye on the values that we inherit. More important than writing about Saramago's literary influence, this work contributed to recalling the author's will: the desire that all of us, all together, fight for the freedom of each and every one.


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Bibliografia consultada

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Lisboa Story Centre (2022). Disponível em Acedido a 23/06/2022.

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How to Cite

João Pedro Duarte, Ruben Oliveira, & Pedro Ribeiro Mucharreira. (2022). José Saramago: (Re)visitar a obra e a fundação no ano do seu centenário. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 19(1), 45–64.

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