Patrimonio Cultural Cafetero Ejemplo de productos innovadores como elementos para la competitividad de Colombia




competitiveness, innovation, tourism, Eje Cafetero, Colombia


Since UNESCO considered the Colombian coffee landscape as heritage, measures began to be developed for its preservation and sustainability. The need arose from the Ministry of Culture and aimed to "preserve, revitalize and promote cultural heritage and articulate regional development" (Ministry of Culture, 2011:66), leading to the presentation of projects for the understanding and dissemination of coffee as Cultural Heritage (CCP), since it is necessary the generational transmission of cultural values and thus achieve its conservation and sustainability. This paper aims to show innovative tourism products that have affected the competitiveness of the tourist destination, for which we start from the concept of competitiveness, and then we analyze the case study of coffee in Colombia, with which we seek to show that the subject innovation is an important source of generating competitive advantages, showing some innovative products that are being offered in this area. This paper was constructed by conducting an extensive literature review on the issues of competitiveness, marketing and innovation. It also drew on secondary sources and the observation method to survey the case of coffee. One of the conclusions that emerges is that a competitive destination in the tourism industry is created from the competitive advantages that accompany its comparative advantages. In other words, it takes more than a wide range of tourism products and resources.


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How to Cite

Consuelo Huertas, N. (2023). Patrimonio Cultural Cafetero Ejemplo de productos innovadores como elementos para la competitividad de Colombia. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 1(1), 62–94.