Cultural Tourism in World Heritage Cities: the importance of information sources to visit the city of Évora


  • Noémi Marujo Universidade de Évora/ISCE/IGOT-CEG
  • Jaime Serra Universidade de Évora/CEFAGE
  • Maria do Rosário Borges Universidade de Évora/GOVCOPP



Cultural Tourism, Tourist, World Heritage Cities, Information Sources


Classifications of World Heritage by UNESCO run as a symbolic distinction for cities, and as a consequence of this recognition it is possible to attract a huge number of tourists. Tourists seek world heritage cities by means of observation, interpretation and by experiencing different environments by means of its patrimony. Information sources are critical for the promotion of a city, and as a result, this distinction plays a critical role concerning the decision process of choosing a destination. The study aims to identify and analyse the three main sources of information that tourists seek for visiting the city of Évora. Further, it is also analysed the degree of influence on the decision to visit Évora as a consequence of its UNESCO World Heritage classification. Results evidence the important role of this classification concerning the decision process of choosing Évora as a destination.


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How to Cite

Marujo, N. ., Serra, J. ., & Borges, M. do R. (2023). Cultural Tourism in World Heritage Cities: the importance of information sources to visit the city of Évora. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 1(1), 137–156.