Capacidade de carga e ordenamento do território como condição de sustentabilidade: O Parque Nacional de Tara


  • Brankica Todorovic School of Economics, Uzice, Serbia



Carrying capacity, Spatial plan, The National Park


The national parks around the world are under the special protection regime which is being implemented in accordance with the legislation in this area. The National Park Tara is an area of special purpose and conditions of the Republic of Serbia. This national park has the potential of regional and international importance which gives it a leading role in the development of Republic of Serbia. The key issue of sustainability is reflected in the definition of the conditions for the sustainable development of resources and natural resources as well as the conditions for the controlled use of natural resources which requires checking of border facilities for specific purposes and functions. Analysis in this paper is aimed at testing the existence of a conflict between divergent goals: tourism development and sustainable development. Rating tourism development is given based on the movement of tourist traffic, construction of accommodation facilities and quality of the tourism offer. Assessment of sustainable development is given based on the analysis of legal documents that protect biodiversity and allow the development of tourism. The goal of the analysis is to point out the possibility of tourism development in line with the carrying capacity of the territory with respect to spatial constraints leading to sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Todorovic, B. (2023). Capacidade de carga e ordenamento do território como condição de sustentabilidade: O Parque Nacional de Tara. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(3), 259–272.