Qualitative evaluation of a sample of preschool menus in the region of Alenquer


  • Maria Paula Alves Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, School of Agriculture
  • Paula Pinto Instituto Politécnico de Santarém – Escola Superior Agrária; Research Center for Natural Resources, Environment and Society (CERNAS); Life Quality Research Centre, Santarém (CIEQV)
  • Rui Jorge Escola Superior de Saúde de Leiria https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5261-2688




Children, Menus, Quality


Introduction: Early childhood is a sensitive period for development, and in particular for healthy eating habits. Entities that provide the service of preparing the menus for planning and supplying school meals, must guarantee safe, nutritionally adequate, balanced, varied and complete meals, not neglecting the social, cultural and environmental context. The menus should be varied, seeking to diversify the cooking methods, respecting the rules of healthy cooking. Since children's nutrition is of such importance, it is necessary for schools to be able to provide healthy and nutritious menus and for there to be ways of being able to assess whether the menus are being prepared correctly, with everything that children need. The evaluation of the quality of the menus can be done in quantitative terms, in which the macro and micronutrients of the foods that make up the meals are accounted for, and qualitatively.

Objective: This work aimed to carry out a qualitative assessment of a sample of 56 menus (randomly chosen) of pre-school education in the region of Alenquer, for children from their first year of life to 5 years old.

Methodology: This evaluation was carried out based on the criteria proposed by Bessa et al. in 2009.

Results: As a whole, the evaluated menus obtained a “Good” evaluation (as defined in the criteria used) with a result of 76% of the qualitative score obtained (maximum 100%), which indicates that they are being respected in general. the criteria considered necessary for balanced menus to be considered.

Conclusion: The sample of pre-school education menus in the region of Alenquer analyzed show a good classification from a qualitative point of view, however, there are still several aspects that can be improved. The fact that the evaluated menus are from a group supervised by a Private Institution of Social Solidarity means that these results cannot be extrapolated to the entire reality of the municipality of Alenquer.



How to Cite

Alves, M. P., Pinto, P., & Jorge, R. (2023). Qualitative evaluation of a sample of preschool menus in the region of Alenquer. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 11(3), 66–67. https://doi.org/10.25746/ruiips.v11.i3.32472

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