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  • A contribuição é original e inédita e não se encontra sob revisão ou para publicação por outra revista. Caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
  • Os ficheiros para submissão encontram-se em formato Microsoft Word, OpenOffice ou RTF (desde que não ultrapassem 2MB)
  • URLs para as referências foram fornecidas quando disponíveis.
  • O texto está em espaço duplo; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico em vez de sublinhado (excepto em endereços URL); as figuras e tabelas estão inseridas no texto, não no final do documento na forma de anexos.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Instruções para Autores, na secção Sobre a Revista.
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Instruções para Autores

General.    MSS should be submitted to the editor by this platform. The text should be ready for printing and carefully checked for all errors, including linguistic ones, before submission. English is the recommended language. Choose Font Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced paragraph, and insert page numbers. MSS that are not in accordance with these and the following instructions will be returned for revision. All MSS will be peer reviewed by two referees prior to their acceptance by the Editor. Style. 1) Title; 2) Author's name, followed by; 3)Abstract (not exceeding 200 words); 4) Five keywords, and; 5) Author's name and professional postal addresses; 6) Main text; 7) Acknowledgements; 8) References; 9) Appendices; 10) Tables with legends, and; 11) List of figures with legends. For research articles the text (6) must be organized as follows: Introduction; Material and Methods; Results; Discussion. The Abstract (3) should convey the scope of the paper, emphasizing the results and conclusions, not merely describing its contents. Limit the authors’ professional address (5) to official filiations only. References (8) should correspond with the examples given below: a) Book: Etgen, W.M. & P.M. Reaves 1978.  Dairy Cattle Feeding and Management (6th edition). John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York. 638 pp. b) Chapter from a book: O’Dor, R., H.O. Portner & R.E. Shadwick 1990. Squid as elite athletes: locomotory, respiratory, and circulatory integration. Pp. 481-503 in: Gilbert, D.L., W.J. Adelman & J.M. Arnold (Eds). Squid As Experimental Animals. Plenum Press, New York-London. 516 pp. c) Article from a journal: Bentley, M.G., P.J.W. Olive, P.R. Garwood & N.H. Wright 1984. The spawning and spawning mechanismof  Nephtys caeca (Fabricius, 1780) and Nephtys homebergi Savigny, 1818 (Annelida: Polychaeta). Sarsia 69: 63-68. d) Electronic article, from online-only Journal: Woo, K.L. 2006. Testing Visual Sensitivity to the Speed and Direction of Motion in Lizards. Journal of Visualized Experiments [Internet]. Available from: (cited 18 February 2007). Use ampersand (&) for all joint authorships in the reference list and for double authorships in the text. Use “et al.” in the text for references with three or more authors and in the reference list for more than seven authors. Avoid multiple citations in text, preferably including the earliest and most recent work. The citation list should be ordered alphabetically by author’s name and year of publication, followed by increasing numberof co-authors. Journal names should be written in full. Figures and Tables.All figures and large tables should be presented with Font Times New Roman, and separately. Photographs should be clear, have high contrast, and in digital format (.tiff, .jpg or .png) with 300 dpi, with at least 15x15 cm. No original figures should be submitted before the MS has been accepted. E-mail Attachment. All text file formats are accepted. Attachments must be identified with the author’s last name, the file name and extension, as follows: Bianchi_text.doc, Bianchi_fig1.tif, Bianchi_table1.xls. For a complete list of format specifications and instructions to authors consult our website at: or the journal profile.

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