Surras, pisas and coças: practices of creating persons in Canto do Buriti, Piauí, Brazil


  • Ana Clara Damásio Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social, Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasil,


The present article arises from an anthropological research of ethnographic nature carried out in Canto do Buriti, Piauí (Brazil) in the first half of 2019 that focused on discussing, through family relationships, classifications associated with the course of life, “aging” and the categories of periodization of life. In this context some scenes emerged, among them those that I initially classified as “violent practices”. At the end of the research it was possible to understand how spanking, stepping, and scratching were corporeal and embodied practices that crossed the course of life and had their own meanings. What interests in this article is to present how, through the interference of multiple physicalities of people on people in the forms of beatings, stomping, and scratching in interpersonal, intergenerational, and gender relations, daily strategies to create people were formulated.

