Walk-spin is to resist: ethnogeneric subjectivities and struggles of Misak indigenous community (Colombia) against violent land dispossession and epistemicide


  • Alba Marleny Calambas Tunubala Lideresa indígena de la comunidad misak, Colombia, calambasalba74@gmail.com
  • Carolina Buitrago Echeverry Ministerio de Educación de Colombia; Universidad Católica de Pereira, Colombia, carolina.buitrago@ucp.edu.co
  • José Manuel Romero Tenorio Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia, josemromero@mail.uniatlantico.edu.co


Indigenous Misak women are subjected to various forms of violence: from the paramilitaries threaten them (rapes, murders) to the Creole feminism that rejects their forms of expression, considering them feminizing. I ethnographically narrate their struggles to regain their centrality as political actors through the construction of their ethnogeneric condition in the woman-indigenous intersectionality, through the ecology of the fabric. The thread translates their sensibilities and experiences into acts of resistance that produce subjective feminine territorialities. I conclude that, paradoxically, the silence and contempt that have always enveloped their practices are the spur to oppose the hegemonic forms of knowledge.


