The Motivations Behind the Nuclear Modernization Programs of the P5


  • Francisco Galamas Francisco Galamas is a WMD nonproliferation researcher at the National Defense Institute (IDN), Lisbon, Portugal. He is also a member of the Young Atlanticist NATO Working Group of the U.S. Atlantic Council as well as of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.


Over the last years, the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) recognized nuclear powers (P5) have substantially invested in modernizing their nuclear arsenals. Even considering the need for replacement of some of the nuclear platforms, analysis demonstrates that the development and deployment of new military systems – like the missile shield or hypersonic systems – has created a strategic domino effect on other nuclear powers, namely Russia and China. This article intends not only to describe some of the nuclear modernizations programs currently being implemented by the P5 but also the strategic motivations behind the latter.


