Productivity, quality and composition of soybean seeds in storage as a function of boron doses at different phenological stages
Soybean is one of the crops with significant impact on global food supply, so it’s important to study those relevant factors affecting its production and even the development of its seeds in the field. The macro and micronutrients are important, and continuously soybeans is concerned, boron is extremely important for biological nitrogen fixation, and
participating in the physiological seed formation processes. Since the nutrient is not very mobile in the plant, some authors recommend foliar spraying to improve seed productivity and quality. Dose and timing of applications are important factors inner decisions related to crop production and management. Therefore, the goal of this work was to evaluate effects of times and doses of soil boron application on soybean quality, and its influence on the physiological characteristics after storage. Two experiments were conducted at the State University of Goiás and Federal University of Pelotas. The first in the field, conducted in a randomized block in a 5 x 6 factorial scheme, with five stages (V0, V3, V6, V9 and R1) of boron application and six different doses (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 kg ha-1) of it, four replications, evaluating leaf boron content, chlorophyll index and seed yield in kg ha-1. The second phase was contrived in the laboratory aimed to evaluate the physiological quality and nutrient titration of seeds after 6 months of storage, with a completely randomized design in a 5 x 6 factorial arrangement with four replications as in the field with 5 stages and 6 doses.
The variables analyzed were: germination, root length, shoot length, growth rate index, root development ratio, shoot development ratio and concentration of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and boron. The reproductive stage showed the best averages for seed quality variables and concentration nutrients, whereas for doses, the intermediate levels showed positive results for most of the tests used in the study. However, there isn’t justification for fertilization with boron to maintain the stored seeds quality.