
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and previously unreleased and is not under review or was submitted to another journal. Otherwise, it must be justified in the section “Comments to the Editor”.
  • The submission files are in Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice format (and they do not exceed 2 MB);
  • When available references from URLs have been provided.
  • Text is written in Times New Roman; with 12-points; with space of 1.5 between lines; uses italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses);  figures and tables are inserted in the text, rather than at the end of the document, like annexes.
  • The text follows the standards and bibliographic requirements outlined in “Instructions for authors” in the “About the jornal” section.
  • In the event of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g. articles), the instructions available in Ensuring the Blind Peers Review were followed.

Author Guidelines

Information about the new submission on the platform

From 2012 on, articles can only be sent electronically through the Antropológicas’ OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform accessible from

New users should register in advance.

Done the registration, authors should provide the requested data and proceed with the submission of the manuscript that involves five steps:

  • After selecting "Online submissions", it is necessary to specify the section of the article (you may have more information below), accept the General Conditions of Submission and indicate if you accept the statement of copyright. It is possible to do some optional comment to the editors, i.e. indicate the scientific area of the submitted article.
  • In the second step, the final version of the manuscript should be submitted, in accordance with the standards of the journal. This file should not contain any identification of the authors in the body text or in the document properties.
  • After the transfer of the manuscript to the system, the complete information on all authors (name, surname, e-mail address, institution and mailing address) should be included. It will also be asked to indicate an author that will be solely responsible for establishing contacts with the editors and keep informed the coauthors of all decisions and modifications pertaining to the manuscript. The author(s) must add the title, abstract (up to 100 words in the language in which the article was written and in English; if the article was written in English, the abstract must also be presented in Portuguese), keywords in the article's language and in English (if the article was written in English the above rule should be applied) and the name of the entity that has supported the author(s) in the drafting of the article.
  • The fourth step, that is optional, allows the uploading of additional documentation that the authors consider an asset for the evaluation/review of the manuscript.
  • In the fifth step, the corresponding author should confirm the submission and record the reference (ID) assigned to the manuscript. This reference should be used in all subsequent contacts with the editors regarding the manuscript submission.

This information was adapted from the one obtained in Revista Motricidade (, with the previous authorization of its director.

Submission of manuscripts

  • Articles submitted to publication in this journal must be original and previously unreleased.
  • Can be submitted: in-depth articles; brief articles; book reviews; and presentation of museums and cultural and historic archives.
  • In-depth articles: In-depth articles are all articles that usually fit within the "Original article" and the "Review article". In this section will be published original in-depth research articles in the areas of social and human sciences treated in Antropológicas. They should focus on interdisciplinarity, thematic innovation and methodology. Having in mind the tradition of social and human sciences, mandatory chapters will not be required; but in the experimental research articles that cross the social sciences with other scientific traditions, articles should have the following organization: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References. The chapter on the Method should be divided into Sample, Instruments, Procedures and Statistical Analysis. On scientific review articles related to a particular object of study, based on the scientific literature produced by renowned researchers, authors should take into account a criterion of justified systematic review, where the inclusion/exclusion criteria are clear. These articles focus the rigorous, innovative and critical approach, where the author of the article contributes significantly to the contextualization of the original object of study. Articles should not exceed 50 bibliographic references.
  • Brief articles: Should be original, present unpublished data (such as preliminary results of ongoing research or give continuity to the results previously showed) and be smaller than the "In-depth articles". They also should give knowledge of projects or themes that contribute to the deepening of the scientific area where Antropológicas operates. These articles should not exceed 20 bibliographic references and should follow the same criteria for the submission of “In-depth articles”.
  • Book review: Documents that deal with a scientific work published by another author (under different media). Articles with a rigorous, critical and justified analysis, based on criteria of scientific relevance, of originality and scientific innovation of the work for the intensifying of the scientific areas of Antropológicas will be priviledged. The work should give full and proper reference of the book presented, with a summary, discussion of the method and critical analysis of the findings. Should be brief and not have bibliographical references.
  • Presentation of museums and cultural and historic archives: As the name implies, this section will be presenting museums and archives with relevance to the Antropológicas’ field of studies and research. Most of the works will be requested by the editors to the Directors and Curators of these institutions. Also, texts about museums and archives that are submitted will be published if the editors recognise the relevance of the information and the authors’ expert knowledge.
  • Each author cannot submit, as main author, more than one article for issue of the journal. Information about the authors should appear in the language in which the article was written.
  • Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

Review and acceptance

  • All articles are submitted to a Blind Peer Review process by experts in the related areas.
  • In order to comply the preceding paragraph, authors should follow the standards available in Ensuring the Blind Peer Review.
  • If the reviews do not agree on accepting the article, a third review is requested, followed by the opinion of the Number Coordinator(s) on the acceptance or rejection of the article.
  • The final revision of the texts will be the sole responsibility of the authors, so any errors or spelling mistakes cannot be attributed to the journal.
  • Texts in final proofs can only be changed for the sake of spelling. Any other amendment shall not be taken into account.
  • The journal reserves the right to publish in accordance with the editorial convenience.
  • The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors and it is their obligation to obtain the authorizations of the material that is subject to copyright.


Only articles that comply with the following standards can be considered:

  • The documents should be delivered in Microsoft Word, RTF or OpenOffice format (provided they do not exceed 2 MB);
  • Text should be written in Times New Roman, with 12-points, space of 1.5 between lines and use italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses);
  • Text should not exceed 10000 words;
  • Must have a summary in Portuguese and in English, up to 100 words, setting out the main ideas and the conclusions;
  • Should include four keywords in the singular form and if they have more than one gender the masculine should be used;
  • The titles and subtitles must be duly identified (1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1), formatted in Times New Roman, with 14-points, space of 1.5 between lines and bold;
  • Figures and tables must be inserted in the text, rather than at the end of the document, like annexes;
  • In case of using special characters or symbols, the author must upload the font in digital format;
  • Special formatting should not be used: for example styles (headings, links, etc.); text in columns; page headers; different fonts; underlining; automatic hyphenation; automatic numbering of chapters, sections or paragraphs;
  • When requested by the editors, the figures must be submitted in the original program that created them and in JPEG format, with a resolution of 300 dpi to print format;
  • When graphics are created in Excel they should be sent in the original file (Excel) accompanied by the corresponding tables;
  • Similarly, the SPSS graphics must be exported to Excel as tables with the respective data and chart;
  • Frames built with tables should use only a simple dash to separate rows and columns, as it will be formatted according to the layout of University Fernando Pessoa Press.

The following standards related to forms of quote, organization of the bibliography and format of the texts should be respected.

Bibliography should be sorted alphabetically and respect the following standards in the citations and references to authors:

References in text:

  • 1 author: Pinto (2002) or Pinto (2002, pp. 32-33) or Pinto (2002, pp. 32-33); when referring to more than one title from the same author and year: Pinto (2002a)
  • 2 authors: (Pinto, Burns 2003) or (Pinto, Burns 2003, p. 34) or (Pinto, Burns 2003, 2007) or (Pinto 2002; Dunning 1992)
  • more than 2 authors: (Pinto et al. 2004)
  • site: "Toy Safety Facts"


References in the bibliography:


  • Last name, first initial. Year of publication [in brackets]. Title [in italics]. Edition [if exists]. Place of publication: name of Publisher.
  • Last name, first initial and last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Title [in italics]. Edition [if exists]. Place of publication: name of Publisher.
  • for collective works list all names in the bibliography; the reference in the text refers to only the first author followed by "et al.".


  • Pinto, J. (2007). Indagação Científica, Aprendizagens Escolares e Reflexividade Social. Porto: Afrontamento.
  • Pinto, J., Burns, K. (2003). Tradições académicas e escolares. Lisboa: Temas & Debates.
  • Arnaldo, J., Burns, K., Silva, M., Marques, R. and Wilson, T. (2004). Questões metodológicas para a aplicação em testo académico. Porto: Edições UFP.


Editor, Coordinator or Organizer (collections):

  • Last name, first initial, ed./coord./org. [in brackets] Year [in brackets]. Title [in italics]. Edition [if exists]. Place of publication: name of Publisher.


  • Lattimore, R. (ed.) (1951). The Iliad of Homer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Classic Works:

  • Last name, first initial. Year of publication [in curve brackets] and in square brackets the year of the first edition. Title [in italics]. Translator [in brackets]. Place of publication: name of Publisher.


  • Espinosa, B. (1988 [1670]).  Tratado Teológico-Político (trad. D. P. Aurélio). Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.

Chapter or other part of a book (articles in collections):

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Chapter title [in quotation marks]. In first initial of the Editor(s), last name of the Editor(s) [may be editors, organizers or coordinators].Title [in italics]. Edition [if exists]. Place of publication, name of Publisher, pages.


  • Eisenstadt, S. N. (2005), “Axial civilizations and theAxial Age reconsidered”. In J. P. Arnason, S. N. Eisenstadt, B. Wittrock (eds.), Axial Civilizations and World History, Leiden, Brill, pp. 531-564.

Preface, postface, introduction or similar:

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Preface/Postface/Introduction of Title [title of work in italics], by [name and surname]. Place of publication, Publisher, pages.


  • Rieger, J. (1982). Introduction to Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. Chicago: University of Chicago, pp. xi–xxxvii. ´


Electronically published book:

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Title [in italics]. Place of publication: name of Publisher. Available at DOI/URL. [retrieved on].


  • Kurland, P., Lerner R. (eds.) (1987). The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Disponível em [retrieved on the 22nd of January of 2012].


Printed academic journal:

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Title of the article. Magazine title [in italics] No., Series/Year [in brackets]: pages.


  • Parr, J. B. (2004), The polycentric urban region: a closer inspection. Regional Studies 38 (3): pp. 231-240.


Online academic journal:

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Title of the article. Journal title [in italics] No., Series/Year [in brackets]: pages. Available at DOI/URL. [retrieved on].


  • Kossinets, G. and Duncan, J. (2009). Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network. American Journal of Sociology 115: 405–50. Available at doi:10.1086/599247 [retrieved on the 28th of February of 2011].


Newspaper or magazine:

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Title of the article. Newspaper/Magazine title [in italics]. Date.


  • Mendelsohn, D. (2010). But Enough about Me. New Yorker, 25th of January of 2010, p. 12.


Thesis or dissertation:

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Thesis/Dissertation title [italic]. Doctoral thesis/Master’s dissertation, Place of thesis/dissertation defence. University's name, date of defense.


  • Fidalgo, J. (2006),  O Lugar da Ética e da Auto-Regulação na Identidade Profissional dos Jornalistas. Tese de doutoramento, Braga, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho.


Paper presentation at a conference:

  • Last name, first initial. Year [in brackets]. Title of the presentation [in quotation marks]. Presentation made in [Name of the conference. Place, Date].


  • Adelman, R. (2009). “ ‘Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On’: God’s Footstool in the Aramaic Targumim and Midrashic Tradition.” Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Biblical Literature, New Orleans, Louisiana, 21st-24th of November of 2009.



  • Name of the site. Article [title in quotation marks]. Last modified on [date]. URL. [retrieved on].



Nesta secção estarão os trabalhos que foram publicados até ao número 11 e que se referem a projetos e fóruns.

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The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services rendered by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.