Educação para a Saúde – Educação para a Cidadania: Relato de Duas Experiências de Extensão Comunitária


  • Teresa Toldy Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Fernando Pessoa
  • Gloria Jólluskin Centro de Estudos Culturais, da Linguagem e do Comportamento (CECLICO), Universidade Fernando Pessoa
  • Isabel Silva Centro de Estudos Culturais, da Linguagem e do Comportamento (CECLICO), Universidade Fernando Pessoa
  • Rute Meneses Centro de Estudos Culturais, da Linguagem e do Comportamento (CECLICO), Universidade Fernando Pessoa


education for citizenship, health education, health promotion, professional skills, Bologna


The purpose of this study is to present two experiences of health and citizenship education developed in community outreach projects conducted in a university context – Project “More Health” and Project “Learning to Grow in Paranhos”. In this article, we reckon the challenge universities face in order to become an instrument for health promotion, within their role as institutions that promote the well-being of the communities in which they are integrated. This paper also considers the contributions of community outreach projects to a broader training of future professionals and to educate university students in order to prepare them as more actively involved and more socially responsible citizens, underlining the importance of providing students with experiences of social participation and community inclusion.



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