Políticas integrativas e conceitos ligados às migrações


  • Alcinda Cabral Centro de Estudos Culturais, da Linguagem e do Comportamento (CECLICO), Universidade Fernando Pessoa
  • Xénia Vieira Universidade Fernando Pessoa


The international migrations lead to a relationship between foreigners and nationals that are not always made without conflict. This constant, verified througout the centuries was always a reason for concern and interest by the governments of the countries envolved, the groups of immigrants, the citizens from receiving societies and the social researchers. When they created explaining concepts on the different situations that can configurate a plural society and stablished recommendations to sensibilize the States towards an understanding of common policies facing the displaced public, the receiving States created policies in that subject, many times without attending to those studies, wituout the participation of the giving States and without the contributions of the migrant representants. This situation deserves growing attention of all forces envolved, but not always the policies directed to the immigrants are in line with the concepts established nor the suggested recommendations. We intend to make a balance of this situation in this article.



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