Desagregação familiar, migrações e idade média ao primeiro casamento: estudo de caso no Bonfim, paróquia da cidade do Porto


  • Rui Leandro Maia Universidade Fernando Pessoa


The familiar desegregation, by death of the father, or of the mother or of both, will have any impact on the average age to the first suns marriage? And are there some criteria in case of impact? Such as the dead progenitor being father or mother? By sex of those who married? By geographical origins of those who married? The differences, if they exist, have a high importance. Their study gives the possibility to understand the mortality, the migrations and the marriage influence on the decrease in the reproduction capacity of the populations, normally, exclusively associated to the contraception generalization, in the case of Portugal since 1940 until now.The manuscript is supported by the marriage registration data base from an urban community in Porto between 1940 and 1969 and is part of a larger research about the reasons of Demographic Transition in Portugal. This has as objective to understand if demographic and social comportments of migrants comparing with the urban naturals are dependent on the considered variables.



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