Portugueses em Timor: de intérpretes étnicos a intérpretes nas globalizações


  • Paulo Castro Seixas Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Fernando Pessoa


The article sustains the hypothesis that Portuguese in East Timor played a role of interpreters or cultural mediators between ethnicities and, after 1999, between globalizations. In the first case, the arguments are the representation of the arrival of Portuguese people, the latter inscription in diarquic rituals, the constitution of a buffer-space/bridge-space and the social status of the used languages (Portuguese and Tetum). In the second case, thearguments are the type of Portuguese post-colonial mission, the de-territorialization of Portugal as a buffer-State/bridge-State and the relationship between Portuguese and Tétum as solidarity-languages. The paper closes with the presentation of a nationalist narrative, imagined in a post-independence (2002) period which reflects all this aspects in a fabulous post-colonial syncretism.



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