Transformações da identidade das imigrantes angolanas em Toronto: Um estudo preliminar


  • Diana Cohen Reis Université d’Ottawa
  • Victor Pereira da Rosa Université d’Ottawa
  • Robert Aaron Kenedy York University


Although the women of Portuguese expression in Canada have served as publication themes (Noivo, 1997; Januário e Marujo, 2000; Giles, 2002), most of the bibliographical references is about Portuguese immigrants (Nunes, 1998). In a general maner, the investigation works about immigration and settlement in western coutries have a tendency to ignore the experiences of the immigrant colour woman (Dua e Robertson, 1999). Due to the common language, the Canadians consider, most of the time, the groups of Portuguese expression as a unit. Outside the community, the existing tensions between the different groups are unknown. So, it is imperative to examine the needs of the Angolan immigrants, so that proposals can be made towards some of the difficulties felt by them, because besides their number is reduced, they constitute, meanwile, a community with great potential.



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