La diversidad cultural y su problemática. Reflexiones desde la Antropología Social y Cultural


  • Salvador Rodríguez Becerra Universidad de Sevilla


When the so-called cultural unity of states becomes a chimera in front of our eyes, a chimera that can only be reached in the feverish minds of fascists and their followers, and the developed world turns into a mosaic of ethnic groups and cultures, it becomes necessary to reflect, even if it is summarily, on the unquestionable fact of cultural diversity. Because, in a world where confusion is the rule, despite the numerous and varied mass media, we must ponder serenely on such fundamental issues as ethnocentrism and the identity of human groups, the widespread refusal to be any other thing than themselves, and the need to relativise cultural responses —at least as a way of knowledge—in order to be able to face the ever-permanent reality of emigration, always tinged with hope and drama, which has acquired a global dimension in our times.





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