Las fronteras como metaforas del riesgo


  • Alain Basail Rodríguez Centro de Estudios Superiores de México y Centroamérica. Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas


This essay discusses the dramatic use of the borders and analyzes its imputations of sense from the risk and the insecurity. Its bet is to contribute to dissipate the contradictions of the discursive regime that it defines to the borders like gray zones of corruption, badness and fear; and, at the same time, to notice the reciprocal question of the border identity like center of the new material and symbolic production of territories characterized by increasing asymmetries, dependencies and continuous passages. It focuses the attention in the south border of Mexico and north of Central America where the problems enunciated before are visualized to find welds between the north and south hemispheres of the Americas, the Central American macroregion and the global tendencies.





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