First record of the marine snail Xenophora crispa (Gastropoda: Xenophoridae) from Madeira Island (Northeastern Atlantic Ocean)

First record of Xenophora crispa from Madeira Island


  • Magno freitas Caminho dos Salões 28, São Gonçalo, 9060 – 285, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
  • Patricio Ramalhosa MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
  • André Moreira Madeira Sea Emotions, Marina da Quinta do Lorde, Sítio da Piedade, 9200 - 044, Caniçal, Madeira, Portugal
  • João Canning-Clode MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
  • João Monteiro MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre



The marine snail Xenophora crispa (d' Orbigny, 1847) is recorded for the first time in Madeira Island (NE Atlantic). This species is currently distributed throughout the central and western Mediterranean, western Atlantic from France (Gulf of Biscay) to North Africa (up to Morocco) including the Archipelagos of the Azores, Canary Islands, and now Madeira. Taxonomic features and similarities between Xenophora crispa (d' Orbigny, 1847) and Xenophora senegalensis P. Fischer, 1873, are discussed, highlighting relevant morphological differences described in the bibliography.

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