Identification of new educational territories in full-time kindergarten
The contribution of some instruments of evaluation of environmental perception
environmental perception, port-occupation evaluation, integral education, Educating city, new education territoriesAbstract
In Brazil, the instruments of environmental perception are widely used for the evaluation of school space, for methodological lines such as Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) and the Performance analysis of the built environmental. In this paper it is explored three of these instruments: Walkthrough, Visual Mapping and Memory game, adapted to the urban environment and the school setting. The application of these instruments contributed to the identification of new educational territories in the context of full-time education. In the midst of the principles widespread by the Charter of Educating Cities (1990), the conception of education territories also brings the contribution of other spaces and agents in the formative process, and has gained strength from the More Education Program (Programa Mais Educação) created in the country in 2007. Beyond the pedagogical theories, the Architecture and Urbanism, which deal with the city and its artifacts, can make important contributions to the full-time education, recovering in the methodological framework of environmental perception, instruments that help to reveal the educational possibilities of outside school spaces. It is presented the results and contributions for a program that incorporates new territories and educational agents from the application of the instruments in a Municipal School of nursery education (EMEI) which works in full time. We highlight the space capacities that are already used by children in their daily lives, and we indicate incorporation ways of territories through activities and educational content, which even exceed the size of the school and indicate opportunities for integration between public policies and other agents in integral formation of individuals.
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