Recent trends in housing segregation in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
real estate market, Lisbon Metropolitan Area, urban segregation, housingAbstract
This paper focuses on the influence that residential markets and their most recent dynamics have on the cohesion or socio-spatial segregation trends in the Lisbon metropolitan system. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part presents in a resumed form, the main defining elements for Lisbon urban development in this decade of 2010, where the effects of the economic crisis combined with global socioeconomic and technological changes. The second part exposes the components that marked the most recent evolution of the real estate and housing markets in Portugal and particularly in the metropolis of Lisbon. The third describes how such changes have put severe pressures on household’s financial capacities; an analysis mostly based on the 2016-2018 evolution of the house price to income ratios, both for purchase and renting situations, in the municipalities of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. The final part of the paper reflects on corresponding social and urban new challenges and dilemmas, also focusing on the possible reasons for political mismatches and difficulties in consolidating territorial cohesion, spatial justice and the right to housing as main elements for urban policy sustainment on the metropolis of Lisbon.
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