More and better public housing

A look from Amadora and the former Santa Filomena neighbourhood



access to housing, housing policy, land policy, Amadora


Despite the prominence of housing on the public agenda, the intervention approach generally proposed to tackle the growing difficulty of access to housing in Portugal is reductive. Far from the integrated and multi-sectoral reading recommended in the New Generation of Housing Policies, in particular the housing policies and land policies tend not to be read as sides of the same coin, preventing a more articulated, structured, and comprehensive intervention. At a time when major public investment in housing is expected in the coming years, under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (2021-2026), we analyse the responses aimed at the most vulnerable groups, first under the Programa Especial de Realojamento [Special Rehousing Programme] and currently under the 1.º Direito – Programa de Apoio ao Acesso à Habitação [1st Right - Support Programme for Access to Housing]. The analysis, supported by surveys and local reconnaissance, has as its backdrop the municipality of Amadora, integrated in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and which, along with a growing number of situations of housing shortage, is witnessing a strong dynamic in the private housing market.  It focuses on the former Santa Filomena neighbourhood, of no legal occupation and construction, now considered extinct, whose land is expected to give rise to a major urban planning operation aimed at the free market. How can the urbanistic operations, associated to market dynamic, contribute to the increase of the public housing stock? This is the question we raise based on the articulation between housing policies and land policies and on the reading of the public responses found to supply housing shortages and precariousness.

Author Biography

Sílvia Jorge, CiTUA-IST

I am an architect with a Master’s degree in Architecture and Rehabilitation of Urban Centers, and with a PhD in Urbanism, from the Lisbon School of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (LSA-UL). I am a researcher of the Centre for Innovation in Territory, Urbanism and Architecture of the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon (CiTUA/IST-UL). My research assumes an interdisciplinary approach, dialoguing between Architecture, Urbanism and Social Sciences, and has focused on the urban margins of different contexts (Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique). My work and contribution in various collective research projects have been developing among four thematic axes: 1. (self)production of space and its urban inequalities; 2. urban/housing policies and urbanistic tools; 3. urban typologies and intervention paradigms; 4. right to housing, right to the city and spatial justice. I have (co)author various articles in (inter)national journals and chapter books, as well as participated and organised several scientific meetings on my research themes.


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