Pandemic impacts in the evolution of the access to housing in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
housing, housing market, access to housing, Lisbon Metropolitan AreaAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the evolution of access to housing in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA), examining the possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the real estate market. The study is based on a spatial-quantitative approach, by calculating the 'Housing Access Index' (AHI), which seeks to estimate in an exploratory way the cost of access to housing, in a given territory and at a given time. In particular, it is intended to: i) quantitatively evaluate how the pandemic has altered access to housing in the LMA municipalities; ii) identify the new challenges for the real estate market. The results suggest that access to housing was continuously conditioned between 2016 and 2019; however, since 2020, it is possible to verify that the pre-existing real estate dynamics have changed, with the deceleration of central territories and the accelerated growth in the value of peripheral metropolitan territories. The end of the paper holistically analyzes the impacts of COVID-19 on the housing market and reflects on the repercussions of these changes in access to housing in the LMA.
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