Differential urbanization in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
The case of the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park
differential urbanization, city-countryside contradiction, Agrarian Park, Metropolitan Area of BarcelonaAbstract
This article analyses the recent urbanization processes in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA), with the objective of advancing, theoretically and empirically, in the study of the notion of differential moment of urbanization. The Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park (BLAP) is taken as a case study under the hypothesis that it is an example of a site in which differential characteristics can be found. Once the three attributes of this differential character have been specified, the concentrated and extended urbanization in the BMA is also presented. Finally, the case study is also addressed through the conceptual lens of the implosion-explosion processes, the current limits of urban planning , and the open countryside-city conflict, -concepts, that in turn are central features of differential urbanization-, and its concretion in an interstitial, discontinuous and fragmented space, such as the BLAP, as a result of the process of artificialisation of nature, of which agriculture forms a part.
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