The continuum and difficult access of Cigano/Roma people and families to adequate housing in Portugal
Cigano/Roma, adequate housing, socio-housing inequalities, public policies, PortugalAbstract
The universality of social policies (equal dignity for all citizens) has not had the desired effects in reducing the levels of inequality and exclusion, namely in terms of the right to housing and the city by Cigano/Roma population in Portugal, since more than one third of Cigano/Roma people tend to live in non-classical housing. Based on qualitative research, based on bibliographical and documentary analysis on the housing situation of Ciganos/Roma people in Portugal in recent decades, and on fieldwork carried out over the last 20 years, the aim of this article consists on the one hand to present an exploratory and comprehensive analysis on this continued and difficult access for Ciganos/Roma people to adequate housing and, on the other hand, to share some contributions for a broader and interdisciplinary reflection on some guiding principles for a more adequate housing intervention for these populations. Although some expectations have been generated around the recently approved legislation in the area of public housing policies, the housing situation of Cigano/Roma has changed little or nothing over the last few years. Difficult access over time to adequate housing is an indicator of structural inequalities, revealing a particular socio-housing vulnerability that affects Cigano/Roma population in Portugal which is far from being solved by local and national public policies.
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