Book Review of The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces



New working spaces, Coworking, Pandemic, Development


In this review, I devote special attention to the recent publication “The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces” (Routledge), prepared by 55 researchers from around the globe involved in The COST Action CA18214 ‘The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery’. The book is available in open access due to the funding of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Ilaria Mariotti (IT), Mina Di Marino (NO) and Pavel Bednář (CZ) are the editors of the volume compounded by 17 chapters and organised into three sections: (i) socioeconomic impact, ii) policy development, (iii) users. The focus is on new working spaces - NeWSp - aiming to explore, understand, and explain challenges in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.


Coworking. (2023). Core values. Retrieved at:

COST Action 18214. The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery. 2023. Retrieved at:

Di Marino, M., Rehunen, A., Tiitu, M. & Lapintie, K. (2023). New working spaces in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area: understanding location factors and implications for planning. European Planning Studies, 31(3), pp. 508–527.

Di Marino, M., and I. Mariotti. (2020). Location Factors of NeWSps in the Peripheries.” In Definition and Typologies of the New Working Spaces, Deliverable D 1.1. Internal Working Paper. COST Action CA18214: The Geography of new Working Spaces and Impact on the Periphery (2019-2023), edited by G. Micek, I. Mariotti, M. Di Marino, M. Akhavan, S. Di Vita, B. Lange, T. Paas, A. Sinitsyna, L. Alfieri, and M. Chebotareva, pp. 30–36.


