Transportation infrastructure planning
Balance between regional vision and the megaproject in the case of the Mexico-Toluca interurban train
urban project, mobility, megaproject, regional planningAbstract
This article reflects on the importance of the regional vision, often undervalued, in megaprojects. Specifically, it does so regarding the megaproject of the Mexico Toluca Interurban Train. For this purpose, its planning is analyzed in order to recognize the presence or not of the regional vision in its development The focus of this work is on the link between planning and this type of projects, as well as its objectives and processes, subscribing to the theoretical discussion on the topic. Through three stages, supported by historical and cartographic analysis, the documentary technique and the SALSA methodology are addressed and the content analysis method, considering the institutional framework, the scale of analysis and the integration strategy, as well as five dimensions and six categories through which it was concluded that it is an infrastructural megaproject and not a regional approach.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Monica Guadalupe González Yñigo, Luis Miguel Valenzuela Montes , Arturo Venancio Flores

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