The Unmanaged City: Public Motivation and Urban Governance
city, urban governance, urban planning, state organization, urban policies, civil movementsAbstract
Difficult and diffuse perceptions of the great city, in the most varied sectors of society, have rendered increasingly complex exercise of sustainable management and regulation of these urban territories. However, major changes in the political, institutional and administrative systems have not been witnessed in practice. The "royal city" continues its journey away from the "legal city." The most recent lines of thought about urban policies point us to interesting paths towards a more pluralistic, efficient and visionary urban governance, recognizing that as well as in the diversity that creativity and dynamics develop. While state institutions, at different levels, should play a pivotal role in catalysing cultural motivation in this sense, the current executive, political and normative frameworks still do not seem very enthusiastic. But faced with the urgencies of action, tensions and expectations will occur in the urban scenario of multiple actors and influences. Consequently, this role of raising awareness, by political pressure, of many "non-visible" dimensions in the city was highly competitive with civil movements. Also, strengthening urban identities and representations is essential. Culture alone can fill the "no man's land" between institutional immobility and social unresponsibility.
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