Habitat and Minorities: Processes of (Des)integration of Ethnic Groups in Lisbon and Porto
ethnic minorities, habitat, identities, social and systemic integrationAbstract
The relationship between habitat and processes of social (des)integration of ethnic minorities from the PALOP and the Roma population residing in the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Oporto is at the heart of this article. A brief presentation of the problematic axes that guide the empirical research from which the above relationship is discussed. The article also gives an account of traits and trends - socio-demographic, migration trajectories, attitudes towards the school, economic and professional retreats and strategies towards social support networks - that help to give identity to minorities in presence. To sum up, we highlight some of the effects shown by the aforementioned research and seek to contribute to the challenge of confronting the Portuguese society, due to the increasing and consolidating cultural diversity.
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