Risks and Juvenile Delinquencies in Relocation Contexts
Identities, Images and Youth Expectations
risks, juvenile deliquencies and conflict, institutional discourse and practice, youth identity strategies and expectations, family, schoolAbstract
'Urban violence', associated with 'delinquency' and 'insecurity', has become a recurring theme in the current discussions on the city, which is the subject of scientific, technical-professional or political discussions and debates. But the term 'urban violence' in today's discourse continues to be an imprecise and variable concept, sometimes even contradictory, according to the perspective of the different professional or institutional categories that approach it. This ambiguity and imprecision semantics and content does not escape the violence carried out by young people, and if the statistical reality accounts for juvenile delinquency, it cannot discern the change in its configuration, motivations, processes, ways of acting and goals to achieve, in a complex and integrated approach. Starting from the current discussion of public policies that can be put into practice in the face of the increase in 'violence in cities', 'urban insecurity', and especially 'juvenile delinquency', the challenge was to analyze risk, violence, and juvenile delinquency in resettlement districts, reinterpreting the discourses, practices and interactions of young people, the socially informal groups that integrate them, the trajectories they develop, necessarily relating them to school and family institutions, in order to analyze the logics of 'violent' behavior. The final objective was to understand the meaning of public policies capable of effectively intervening in the factors that are at the origin and development of these situations.
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