Some Traces of Three Generation Analysis of National Action Plans for Inclusion
poverty and social exclusion, diagnosis, inclusion plans, monitoring and evaluationAbstract
The article Some Traces of Analysis of Three Generations of National Action Plans for Inclusion, without pretending to address all the complexity of possible dimensions, proposes to carry out a brief analysis of three generations of National Plans of Action for Inclusion, instruments of the central objective of which is to combat poverty and social exclusion and which have been integrated into the European process of social inclusion. Thus, it begins with a reference to the European context, highlighting the main orientations for this area; provides a brief overview of the challenges posed by some of the poverty indicators that motivate the need for Inclusion Strategies, and then focus the PNAI analysis on three global dimensions: processes, actors and policy domains; followed by a reflection on observing / monitoring and evaluation and ending with some reflections in terms of final synthesis.
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