Fragmentation of Urban Territories and Sustainable Development
A central role of political regulation for cities and urban areas
territories, communities, social and spatial fragmentation, integrated policies of sustainable urban development, governance, co-production, cooperationAbstract
This article is based on several research projects carried out over the last twenty years in Europe and elsewhere (North America, Africa) on the theme of the social and spatial fragmentation of cities and on the sustainable development policies implemented. within the various countries. The first part of the article tries to draw some lessons from the research carried out in Europe as regards these territories as the policies implemented. The second part highlights some of the avenues for research to be pursued in order to try to contribute to a better prospective for these territories and policies on a European scale. In particular, concerning Europe and its difficulties in fulfilling the Lisbon commitments, this article tries to show how, around these issues and integrated approaches to sustainable development, the necessary political role of cities and urban regions in regulation of territories that the Member States have so far had difficulty recognizing.
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