Social Action, Individuation and Citizenship. The construction of social monitoring in the context of the active social state
social action, social monitoring, active Welfare State, individualization, subjectivity, citizenry, empowermentAbstract
This article deals with the orientation and current trends of social assistance mechanisms in social assistance policies, focusing on the reconfiguration of their logic of action and especially on the modus operandi in the face-to-face relationship with the users - beneficiaries of these services. The adopted approach of the "new rules of the social" inscribes analytically the reconfiguration of the social state and social policies in the great transformations of contemporary societies and in particular in the process of individuation and the way in which relations between communities and individuals in matters of solidarity. In this context, the different logics in the trajectory of the social monitoring devices are analyzed, as well as the challenges and risks that they face in the present, in a societal context of instability and uncertainty.
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