Russia and Cyber Security


  • Keir Giles is a director of Conflict Studies Research Centre (CSRC), a UK think tank specialising in Eurasian security affairs. After a firstdegree in Russian, Keir worked in aviation in the former Soviet Union before joining the BBC Monitoring Service to report on Russian economic and military affairs. A secondment to the UK Defence Academy led to work with CSRC, which Keir took into the private sector in 2010.


This paper examines Russian “information warfare” concepts, and how they affect the Russian approach to cyberspace, through the analysis of recently released public statements of Russian policy on cyberspace: one proposed international security convention, and one military cyber proto-doctrine. It will show how the conceptual gap with the West undermines attempts to reach agreement on common principles or rules of behavior for cyberspace with Russia, despite repeated Russian attempts to present norms of this kind to which other states are invited to subscribe. Further efforts to achieve mutual understanding are essential if meaningful confidence and security building measures are to be realized.





