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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is written in English and should also contain a portuguese title, abstract and keywords.
  • The article has not already been published or been submitted to another journal.
  • The article is submitted in Microsoft Word format and has a maximum of 5MB.
  • The article follows the ethical and deontological principles as well as the laws and applicable rules, recommended in the Declaration of Helsinki.
  • The conflict of interest and author agreement has declared in the “CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION AND AUTHOR AGREEMENT FORM ”. (if applicable).
  • The article follows the standards listed on section policies.

Original Articles

Full articles should be divided into Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Articles should be no longer than 5000 words and have a maximum of eight tables or figures and 40 references. The abstract should follow the same structure as the main text and be no longer than 250 words. A maximum of seven keywords should be used.

Review Articles

Review articles should be divided into Introduction, Objectives, Main Text, and Conclusions and not exceed 5000 words, five tables or figures, and 80 references. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and be structured according to the main text. A maximum of seven keywords should be used.

Case Reports

This type of article reports one or several clinical cases which, due to their rarity, therapeutic innovation, or other feature, are relevant to the scientific community. Clinical cases should be exemplary, properly studied and discussed, and include a brief introduction, the description of the case(s), and a concise discussion including a brief conclusion. The text must not exceed 2500 words and 15 references. The abstract should have a maximum of 150 words and have the same structure as the main text. A maximum of seven keywords is allowed.

Imaging Cases

This type of article is appropriate for clinical cases in which image proves crucial for the diagnosis. Images can be related to the patient's clinical observation or complementary exams. The title should not refer to the diagnosis. The text should be no longer than 2000 words and start with a description of the case followed by the question: What is your Diagnosis? The diagnosis should follow this, as well as the patient’s management and a brief discussion. A maximum of 10 references can be used. The abstract and keywords (a maximum of five) should be at the end of the text.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor consist of comments regarding articles previously published in NASCER E CRESCER or short notes regarding a specific subject or clinical case. They should not exceed 500 words and five references and may include one figure or table. In the case of comments to articles previously published in the journal, these should refer to articles published over the last semester and the authors of the article will be invited to reply. Both the letter and the authors’ reply will be published in the same journal issue.

Current Perspectives

Perspectives are commissioned by the Editorial Board and address current topics of interest within the scope of the journal. They should not exceed 1200 words and ten references and may include one figure or table. Authors who wish to submit this type of article should send a summary to the Editor-in-Chief, indicating the authors and affiliations and the title, for assessment of the relevance of the work.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.