Imaging case


  • Élcio Roberto Duarte Clínica Radiológica e Especialidades Médicas São Gabriel
  • Lucas Ribeiro dos Santos Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Santos
  • Márcio Luís Duarte Clínica Radiológica e Especialidades Médicas São Gabriel; WEBIMAGEM



Color doppler, Hernia, Inguinal/diagnostic imaging, Ovarian Diseases/diagnostic imaging, Ultrasonography


Inguinal hernias are a common pathology, with an estimated incidence of 20 cases per 1,000 live births, constituting the most common form of hernias of the abdominal wall. This problem affects boys about six times more often than girls.
The canal of Nuck in the female is a protrusion, tubular fold of the peritoneum through the internal inguinal ring, following the round ligament and extending to the labia. The canal of Nuck is patent in up to 90% of newborns, with an increased prevalence in prematures and a tendency to spontaneously close over the first year of life.
We report a case of a six-year-old girl with an ovary containing canal of Nuck hernia diagnosed by ultrasonography.  According to the present literature, there are less than twenty ultrasonographic published studies which report ovary containing canal of Nuck hernias.


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Goldstein IR, Potts WJ. Inguinal hernia in female infants and children. Ann Surg 1958; 148: 819–822.

Ando H, Kaneko K, Ito F, Seo T, Ito T. Anatomy of the round ligament in female infants and children with an inguinal hernia. Br J Surg 1997; (84):404–405.

Fowler CL. Sliding indirect hernia containing both ovaries. J Pediatr Surg 2005; (40):e13–4.

George EK, Oudesluys-Murphy AM, Madern GC, Cleyndert P, Blomjous JG. Inguinal hernias containing the uterus, fallopian tube, and ovary in premature female infants. J Pediatr. 2000;136:696-8.

Aydin R, Polat AV, Ozaydin I, Aydin G. Gray-scale and color Doppler ultrasound imaging findings of an ovarian inguinal hernia and torsion of the herniated ovary: a case report. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2013 Mar;29(3):364-5.

Yang DM, Kim HC, Kim SW, Lim SJ, Park SJ, Lim JW. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of ovary-containing hernias of the canal of Nuck. Ultrasonography. 2014 Jul;33(3):178-83.

Huang CS, Luo CC, Chao HC, Chu SM, Yu YJ, Yen JB. The presentation of asymptomatic palpable movable mass in female inguinal hernia. Eur J Pediatr. 2003 Jul;162(7-8):493-5.




How to Cite

Duarte Élcio R, Santos LR dos, Duarte ML. Imaging case. REVNEC [Internet]. 2018Oct.17 [cited 2025Feb.10];27(3):206-8. Available from:



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