Unplanned teenage pregnancy and adolescent sexual behavior
adolescence, pregnancy, sexual behaviorAbstract
The teenage years are a pivotal period of physical and psychological change. These formative years play a critical role in shaping an individual’s transition to adulthood. Early childbearing or pregnancy, especially if unplanned, can significantly disrupt a young woman’s development, adversely affecting her health, education, and future income potential. Pregnant teenagers are often pressured to drop out of school, with implications in their educational opportunities and career prospects. Understanding the long-term consequences of teenage pregnancy is essential to developing effective interventions and addressing its underlying causes. This narrative review examines the incidence, risk factors, impact, and preventive measures associated with teenage pregnancy.
Worldwide, the incidence of pregnancy before the age of 18 is approximately 15%. Teenage pregnancy is closely related to adolescent sexual behavior. While condom use has slightly declined, awareness of the associated risks – such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy – remains a major concern. Several interrelated risk factors contribute to this problem, including age, education level, economic status, mental health, and family environment. Moreover, teenage pregnancy is associated with adverse obstetric outcomes, including preterm birth and low birth weight, as well as higher rates of psychiatric disorders and socioeconomic challenges. The implementation of evidence-based prevention strategies, such as family and community involvement, is crucial. In Portugal, laws support sex education, access to contraception, and voluntary termination of pregnancy. Although the birth rate among Portuguese teenagers has declined significantly since the 1970s, it remains a major public health concern. Addressing the social, physical, and mental health risks associated with adolescent pregnancy requires a comprehensive approach that includes sexual education, accessible health services, mental health support, and promotion of contraceptive use among both girls and boys.
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