Cow&s milk protein allergy with gastrointestinal manifestations


  • Sofia Ferreira Pediatric and Neonatology Service of Centro Hospitalar Entre Douro e Vouga
  • Mariana Pinto Pediatric and Neonatology Service of Centro Hospitalar Entre Douro e Vouga
  • Patrícia Carvalho Pediatric Service, ULS Alto Minho
  • Jean-Pierre Gonçalves Pediatric Service, Hospital de Braga
  • Rosa Lima Pediatric Gastroenterology Service, Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Fernando Pereira Pediatric Gastroenterology Service, Centro Hospitalar do Porto



Children, cow’s milk protein allergy, gastroin- testinal manifestations, management


Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) is the leading cause of food allergy in children under three years of age, although its gastrointestinal manifestations may occur in all age groups. In the suspicion of CMPA based on the anamnesis and physical examination, an elimination diet should be initiated for a variable length of time according to the clinical picture, followed by an oral food challenge (OFC) confi rming or excluding the diagnosis. Complementary exams such as skin prick tests and specifi c IgE may be necessary. Treatment is based on an elimination diet and demands nutritional counselling and growth monitoring. Usually an OFC is repeated after three to 12 months of elimination diet. Tolerance is achieved at three years of age in more than 80% of the children. The aim of this work is to make a brief review and update on CMPA in pediatric age, proposing a management approach based on recent international recommendations.


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How to Cite

Ferreira S, Pinto M, Carvalho P, Gonçalves J-P, Lima R, Pereira F. Cow&s milk protein allergy with gastrointestinal manifestations. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Feb.24 [cited 2025Feb.7];23(2):72-9. Available from:



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