Informed consent of women attended by students of medicine performing gynecological examination in obstetrics and gynecology clinic of Fundação Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Pará


  • José António Cordero da Silva Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Nara Macedo Botelho Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Naiana Gouveia de Melo Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Reyner do Santos Gonçalves Universidade do Estado do Pará
  • Nathalya Botelho Brito Universidade do Estado do Pará



Academic Medical Centers, education and health, Informed Consent, women


Introduction: The classes are crucial for medical training. However, issues such as obstetrics and gynecology, physical examination is deeply intimate, dealing with areas of the human body which prevail prejudices and taboos.
Objective: Evaluate the consent form from women assisted by undergraduate students of medicine at teaching hospital in the state of Pará Reference.

Method: The study will be conducted in the months from March to April 2013, with a sample of 110 women attended by undergraduate’s medicine in obstetrics and gynecology clinic of a teaching hospital.

Results: The majority of women at study had clarifi cation on the gynecological examination to be performed (79%) and claim that consent was required for the exam (58%), which occurred without pain or discomfort (55%), and 66% of graduates went on to conduct the test in the presence of pain or discomfort. After performing the same 41% of women reported feeling ashamed and who did not receive clarifi cation revealed that they would feel better (48%) or indifferent (48%) if they received. 62% reported not being asked to participate in the graduate examination, however his conduct was considered adequate (64%), and seriously environment during the exam (65%). 55% of women report having knowledge of an academic teaching hospital.

Conclusion: Most women got clarifi cation about the gynecological examination, especially by the physician preceptor, claim that consent was required for the exam, and was not questioned the participation of the student in the meantime.


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How to Cite

da Silva JAC, Botelho NM, de Melo NG, Gonçalves R do S, Brito NB. Informed consent of women attended by students of medicine performing gynecological examination in obstetrics and gynecology clinic of Fundação Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Pará. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Mar.1 [cited 2025Mar.5];23(3):164-7. Available from:



Current Perspectives in Bioethics