Atypical swallowing, functional alterations, malocclusion, mouth breathing, oral habits, posture, stomatognathic systemAbstract
Introduction: The stomatognathic system is a set of structures that are interconnected to perform vital functions. Changes in any of the parts may lead to a general postural imbalance.
Purpose: To verify if there is a relation between breathing pattern and swallowing with posture, dental occlusion and harmful oral habits of the sample under study.
Materials and methods: The final sample of n=50 consisted of 34 children/ adolescents males and 16 females. The evaluation consisted of a questionnaire about signs and symptoms of mouth breathing, a clinical evaluation and a photogrammetric postural assessment, performed through software for Postural Assessment (SAPO®). Data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics were obtained using the SPSS-21.0 software, and it was used a α=0.05 significance level.
Results: There was a predominance of head tilt to the left, right shoulder elevation and tendency to tilt the head forward in mouth breathers. Regarding the occlusion there was a predominance of Angle Class II malocclusion and the presence of a greater number of children with open bite that also presented oral breathing and atypical swallowing patterns. The study of the deleterious oral habits allowed to determine a relationship between the pattern of mouth breathing and atypical swallowing with digital sucking habits and pacifier use.
Conclusion: Statistically significant associations were established between the breathing pattern and the horizontal alignment of acromions, as well as the horizontal and vertical alignment of the head; between the pattern of breathing and swallowing with occlusal relationship anteroposterior and occlusal relationship vertical and also between breathing pattern and swallowing with digital sucking habits and pacifier use.
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