Short-day onion bulb yield in Alentejo. Influence of fertilizer band placement
In Alentejo region low temperatures and soil waterlogging during Autumn- Winter season are limiting factors for vegetable production under field conditions. Short -day onions can be an option to surpass these restrictions. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of short - day onion cultivars and band placement of the fertilizer on onion production in Alentejo, planted during the autumn. The experiment was carried out at Mitra Research Station of the University of Évora and the treatments were: short - day onion cultivars (Spring Star and Mineutaka) and fertilizer application method at plantation (broadcasting and banding at 10 cm ± 2 depth, under the crop row). Fertilizer banding did not affect root density (cm cm-3) under the crop row, nor onion bulb yield which was 8.3 and 9.0 kg m-2 for Spring Star and Mineutaka respectively. Since the studied cultivars presented resistance to waterlogging and low temperature that occurred during the growing season with good production, short - day onion has great agronomical potential for Alentejo region. Additionally, having in consideration the growing season conditions, water will not be a limiting factor.