Wheat and triticale in crop rotations quality effects
Results of a field trial of crop rotations conducted over a period of ten years (19861996) in Vila Real (Northeast Portugal) are presented. The rotations tested were cereal-cultivated fallow (TA), traditional in rain-fed conditions of the region, and alternative rotations that could be adopted in these conditions: cereal-grain legume crop (TL), cereal-forage mixture (TC) and cereal-rain-fed seeded pasture (TP). The cereals were wheat and, later, triticale.
Grain, straw and aerial biomass yields, nutrient levels of crops and soil parameters were evaluated together with one thousand grain weight, hectolitre weight, Zeleny, Falling Number and Pelshenke indices of cereal grain.
Wheat grain from TL rotation have the highest Pelshenke indices and nitrogen content. Triticale grain from TL rotation was the heavier and with the highest specific weight.
As main conclusions we can refer the influence of the rotation with lupin in the group of the parameters of grain quality , the decisive influence of the agricultural year on the results and the importance of the cereal species to obtain significant conclusions.