Soil quality of vineyards in the Origin Denomination Rioja: Index of overcrusting risk (FAO-PNUMA), content of organic carbon and relation with soil fertility
The aim of this study was evaluate in first approximation the soil quality in vineyards of the Origin Denomination Rioja. For this study, soil samples were collected from 0 cm to 30 cm depth in 123 vineyards under conventional tillage, and were determined the organic carbon, pH, C.E, % carbonates, texture, exchangeables bases and P Olsen. Also was calculated the index of overcrusting risk by FAO-PNUMA. According FAOPNUMA index, over 50 % of the soils had a medium-high overcrusting risk. The average organic carbon content was inferior to the 1 % necessary level to maintain the quality of the soil. Also organic carbon was correlated with the clay content and with the P Olsen, indicating the positive effect of the organic matter in the P availability.