Assessment of technical conditions for use of wastewater from the Praia da Vitória treatment plant
De main goal of this work is to study the technical conditions of utilization of the treated waters of the wastewater treatment plant of Praia da Vitória to lawn and garden irrigation. The WTP of Praia da Vitória treats significant volumes of water which are presently discarded to the ocean. However it is possible that this water could be reused to lawn and garden irrigation under a sustainable perspective of resource management. For such, we firstly estimated the amounts of the treated wastewater and its time evolution and samples for chemical characterization were collected.
A biological essay in pots was also installed, with three treatments: tap water, treated wastewater and nutritive solution and the objective was to compare treatment effect on a graminea used for lawns (Agrostis stolonifera). The analytical results stressed the importance of the nutritive value of the treated wastewater with high macronutrient concentrations nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, and stressed by the biological essay where a general positive effect of the treated wastewater on the plant growth was shown in two soils of the same type although with different levels of soluble nutrients phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The residual effect on the soil from the treated wastewater was verified only for magnesium.