Taxonomic study on plants of tropical botanic garden. Dialypetalous dicotyledones of inferior ovary
In the Jardim Botânico Tropical (JBT), former Jardim-Museu Agrícola Tropical, a valuable collection of plants, mainly of tropical and subtropical origin, lives and is preserved.
The scope of the present work is the taxonomic study of biodiversity dialypetalous dicotyledones of inferior ovary which grow in that Garden.
The orders of this studied group follow Melchior in A. Engler, Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 12, published in 1964, with some considered adequate adaptations. The families, genera and species are presented in alphabetic sequence.
The botanical description, phenologie, natural origin, JMAT location, common Portuguese names, some uses and some of interest notes are presented to each species and taxa below the species.
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