Grapevine virus identification in Pico and Terceira islands (Azores)


  • Sílvia Bettencourt
  • Ana Maria Ávila Simões
  • Ana Maria Nazaré Pereira



At Terceira island in Azores, the region Biscoitos is well known by its vineyards in typical curraletas. The grapevines are for the production of VLQPRD (i.e. Quality Liquorus Wines Produced in Demarcated Region). The predominant varieties are Verdelho branco and Verdelho roxo but also Terrantez, Arinto and Boal branco are present.

One of the objectives of the project Interfruta-II is the evaluation of the actual sanitary status of those grapevines in relation to the main viruses. Therefore, in February 2006, a survey was done in seven vineyards evaluating by ELISA the virus GLRaV-1, GLRaV-2, GLRaV-3, GLRaV-7, GFLV, ArMV, GVA, GVB and GFkV.

The results are analyzed by vineyard and by variety. In general they show that infection by GLRaV-3 is 100% and that infection by one or two Nepovirus is above 50%. The other viruses were detected in lower percentages. Mixed infections were also relevant. Because of the qualitative and/or quantitative deleterious effect of the infections detected, a phytosanitary strategy will be presented in order to contribute for the recuperation of the grapevine in Biscoitos region.


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